My first cousin was born to my elderly aunt. She had a child or children before him; however, she kept her previous pregnancies secret. My cousin grew up by himself. Playing with Star Wars figures & it’s music. He was diagnosed as being gifted; however, he was lazy. He lacked discipline. It was best just to let him be. He managed a seasonal job & had a son.
Why I’m mentioning my cousin is that before his son reach five years my cousin had a massive stroke. He was awake afterwards only to be told he needed surgery to survive. Surgeons went in to remove a black of clot; however, that failed.
It’s been over a decade now and lives in a nursing home. He unable to walk & he have moment of anger and rage. There are also time when he comes hone for visits. It’s these times that he’s gone into a sweat lodge with his cousins. It’s in these sweatslodges that the unexplainable happens.
I mean I’ve heard him say things that only I know and insight that are meant just for certain people. My aunt does not allow him visitors.
There’s the reality of my cousin. When he goes into sweat and sings are sung. Sings he’s never heard before are sung. People witness my cousin sings sacred songs as if his sung them his entire life. This is how he communicates with us. As if there’s nothing the matter with him. We get a glimpse into the life we share with him.
As for myself, I keep what he’s told me the last time I visited him.
My other female cousin says to me when we talk about those who are curious about our spirituality. They’ve attended Sundance and sweats thinking they are in a Christian Church. My female cousin said it’s until they become frightened. For some, they have this path to follow and their in denial of their blessing cause they didn’t start from the beginning.
Even when I say it they can not comprehend what it is I am saying. So my cousin says from my understanding of her words is that they are only able in comprehending fear when frightens by them. It’s when this happens they quit. I don’t wish fear on them as when it happens it happens.
Bottom line is there re somethings that can not be explained. Guy say he reads up about Dakota spirituality; however, he must read it to believe it. Yet, security clearance in top positions use gifted people. Just lately I’ve found myself writing about sacred gifts and paths we are all walking.
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