Why is the image offensive?
gdelislediaz@gdelislediaz instagram is refusing to let me cite the Maize of Injustice, an Amnesty International report published in 2007. It’s online and free, available to anyone who is willing enough to just google it.gdelislediazTake a second to understand those statistics within the Maize of Injustice and juxtapose them with the notions utilized in and perpetuated by this mere “illustration” in its fetishism of indigenous women. see if you can as much as attempt to justify why this ignorance in any way is defendable or not even in the least bit harmful. Indigenous women’s narratives, voices and rights have been suppressed long enough and whether you like it or not we will continue to assert our voices.
  • daytimeformariaTake this shit down nicki!! Why is this not getting any media attention? Please everyone get ahold of media outlets and tag them in this post. She needs to be held accountable. Us native will no longer be silenced.
  • When it comes to the perception of what makes a indigenous women feel like she is being exploited even by her own people is in the nature society perceives us. Some may call  it a conspiracy theory and other will see it for what it truly is. Every since Disney came out with their depiction of  Pocahontas this myth about how a girl being raped was turned into some sort of love story.
  • Captain Smith rapes a fourteen year old girl. Then justifies he intercourse as being permitted because the child he raped was an Indian Princess. This whole notion that a "white dude" could and dare not have sex with just any old indigenous girls or indigenous woman, rather he has to elevate her status into that of a Princess. And, this is where this whole notion of Indian Industrial School was thought of as not being the right fit for educating the savage out of the indigenous boys. The Federal government of Canada had to pass a motion in Parliament to decree that there was a need to establish "Indian Residential School."
  • They realized that by educating only the boys that these boys would go back home and marry indigenous girls who would convert them back into savages. You see, even Captain Smith, he could be seen as having intercourse with a savage. No! she had to be a noble savage to justify he violence against her.
  • And, isn't this the case with the thousand of murdered and missing indigenous women whose lives ended very violently? This conspiracy theory goes further in why do men find indigenous women repulsive. This notion of indigenous women having some sort of power over men that men lose their morality by having intercourse with one of us. This feeling of lowering ones standards that somehow a man must elevate their wife, girlfriend or partner into something that she isn't by not allowing her to voice her opinion or opinions. I believe that it's this submissiveness that men expect an indigenous women to behave or to become in order to elevate his status.
  • The Indian Act of Canada is a document that was made to tame the indigenous woman. This law was and is still in power over the sexual discrimination against indigenous women. When I want to travel anywhere in the Americas, I must travel with caution. Since everywhere there are those who wish to kill us. We as indigenous women are the most hunted of all the female species of this world.
  • People must look at this fact with open eyes. They can not afford to divert the gaze. they can not afford to create a conspiracy theory. We as indigenous women knew we were being killed. We don't know someone from the outside to say that the government was ignoring us. This just didn't happen over night. It just didn't happen when an artist decided to hang up RED DRESSES. I've been there. I've help bury my indigenous sisters of my sisterhood. I feel that I owe my voice to their memories.
  • These women had a healthy indigenous female sexuality. Society wanted to tame them, and the society where they grew up wanted to tame them. They died way too young. 
  • 🤔😩 which one should get hung up in my Barbie room? @papermagazine @ellenvonunwerth I’m torn between the bad bunnies, the horses & Pocahontas 🤧
    • nickiminaj🤔😩 which one should get hung up in my Barbie room? @papermagazine @ellenvonunwerth I’m torn between the bad bunnies, the horses & Pocahontas 🤧
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    • asapcharm@lil_angel13 Do you know why it’s offensive?
    • gdelislediaz@gdelislediaz instagram is refusing to let me cite the Maize of Injustice, an Amnesty International report published in 2007. It’s online and free, available to anyone who is willing enough to just google it.
    • lil_angel13@asapcharm I honestly don’t see how this is offensive. It’s JUST a picture. And the character just so happened to be Pocahontas. I swear if the artist had chosen Cinderella, or Snow White people would think this is fine
    • jessa_songwriter@jennsells818 I wanted you to see the ignorance we see daily. That's why I'm talking to you not her. I love you too have an amazing day
    • asapcharm@jennsells818 You’re saying you don’t need to comment on social media that will never been seen by anybody but here you are being somebody seeing all this shit. Don’t try to act like you’re above everyone , you’re here too typing paragraphs. Lmao😂
    • malinusch@nativesamya this is great 👏🏼 and so important!! 👏🏼❤️
    • mi55p4rkerPocahontas was 13 at the time, you know this right? Or are you like your brother and promote pedophile shit as well???! Smh!
    • asapcharm@nativesamya ✊🏽✊🏽#wearestillhere we don’t need this hyper sexualization
    • asapcharm@straunwagnerart it’s gross isn’t it?
    • tmariem83This is a cruel thing to post on Native American Heritage Month.
    • asapcharm@jminajj Nah you’re just not educated enough. Keep being a lil brainwashed sheep and keep on not questioning anything because it really shows you ignoramus 😂
    • newboygenius@blondexblue enlighten me
    • _an.xo@jiovani2cute in the real story she was a child who was raped by the people who came from Europe to America 😕
    • gdelislediazTake a second to understand those statistics within the Maize of Injustice and juxtapose them with the notions utilized in and perpetuated by this mere “illustration” in its fetishism of indigenous women. see if you can as much as attempt to justify why this ignorance in any way is defendable or not even in the least bit harmful. Indigenous women’s narratives, voices and rights have been suppressed long enough and whether you like it or not we will continue to assert our voices.
    • daytimeformariaTake this shit down nicki!! Why is this not getting any media attention? Please everyone get ahold of media outlets and tag them in this post. She needs to be held accountable. Us native will no longer be silenced.
    • asapcharm@pitmama2015 It’s fucking sad. I already struggle and this shit just is really mean lol. I was born this way you know, didn’t ask to be this way.
    • laurenk.sherman@lil_angel13 well if you was from a indigenous tribe you would see that is problem. She can sexualize herself all she wants, leave us out of it. When your race is the highest in rape, missing & murdered women in the country it's not right.
    • realnativesonly@imsolucky00 You would like that wouldn't you? However you don't run shit over here and you ain't gon do shit either.
    • kyliejenner21k@daytimeformaria well how do you expect Nicki and other RACES to know that?
    • zuleysevillaMaldita negra asquerso puerca
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