Blog Archive

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Women’s song

Through these ten years I’ve sang this song. Despite the words being pronounced with a male tone. I’ve researched with Dakota speakers and Lakota speakers to try and convert it into a female voice. The result is the translation into Dakota

When I first heard this song, I thought it sounded funny. My mother who was raised speaking, reading and writing in the Dakota language listened to it as well. I further went to a Lakota woman to listen to the wording and hopefully translate it into a woman’s voice as well as have the correct spelling and pronunciation.

I thought I’d write this down as I will eventually will have this on my YouTube channel.

Nȧḣaƞ winyan

Nahun winyan kin         Listen Women   na-ġuƞ wee kin

Bdiheciya ye                  Have Courage    Bdee he chee ya ye

Niye opeca                     get ready            Nee ye opee cha

Nicinca kin ca                your children      Nee chin cha kin cha

oyate kin ye                    your people        O ya tay kin ye

wacin hi yape                 your people are depending on you    Wa chin nee ya pe

Lakota winyan kin

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