Blog Archive

Friday, 11 August 2023

#Support VictimsOfNathanChasingHorse

I got an email from a teen. She disclosed what happened to her & other teens with this plastic medicine man. After realizing what his victims are capable of doing I asked that she continue healing. It seems apparent from the background of his victims are vulnerable girls & people. I'm pleased that there are so many coming forward as it was my intention to warn others before they commit too much of their lives to him & his cult followers. I've further realized that there are older women like myself who are also helping their daughters. It takes courage to rescue your daughters from this cult. Life doesn't get any easier when counseling via therapy is not accessible to so many of these girls. There are so many missing girls & women out there. As an aboriginal women I know there are others out there like me who are helping girls & women understand what abuse is especially when it's disguised as a spiritual practice. I hope as women we stay united in our efforts to educate each other on our own attitudes towards our gender. Thank you again my girl for your disclosure & know you are courageous!

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Podcast delay

 I think everyone is happy this part of wrapping up my blog on Nathan Chasing Horse is coming to an end. They can hear it in my voice. I was hoping to summarize things via a podcast; however, my producer/editor lost his mother today. I'm grateful to his wife & for volunteering their services as they have five years of experience doing podcasts.

I was 54 years old working with my late mother in the ‘Bury My Heart at Wound Knee’ HBO film when I worked with Nathan Chasing His Horse. The reality of it blog was disappointment. Years went by as I hoped at least one of the reported SA to locate police would catch Nathan. Months before Narhan’s arrest three women text me asking to watch out For the news as something big was going to happen. Even with my blog, young women were advocating against the apathy shown by local police authorities within the Treaty 7 territory & provinces. 

Systemic racism was around before I was born & it’ll be around when I'm six feet underground. Friends good me I was tenacious all these years not giving up on hoping some young woman would take Nathan to court. I knew from my own experience that was no statute of limitation for SA reports once reported; however, my case took 20 years before I reported my assailant, my rapist. Before my assault when I was 19 years old thirteen older women reported to the RCMP my two rapists were serial rapists & that all thirteen didn't want to press charges. I believe this helped as well as my medical records from the beating I received. 

Time heals all wounds & I wanted young to understand that there are hops out there. We are not alone. Fear crippled our grandmothers, our mothers, our aunties, our cousins & all our relatives. It's the reality of how society deems indigenous girls & indigenous women as a chosen gender. Any woman of colour in North America is labelled or chosen to die young. I've beaten the odds. despite there being a Renaissance amongst our youth today many of our youth are dying from drug overdose. 

I was ready to let my blog end this past January when Nathan was arrested. Many people called him ‘Nate.’ I called him Nathan 'cause he's old enough to be my sin if I had had children. As an indigenous knowledge keeper, it was the total disrespect I received from his cult followers. I know as Indigenous women we do struggle with mental health issues; however, Nathan manipulated and disrespected so many healthy women. The women who gave him a child were the most abused suffering from PSTD after leaving him. 

As I've reflected on these young women he took & those older women who didn't have the common sense to protect their daughters or granddaughter, I say check yourselves. Nathan targeted the most vulnerable girls & women with mental health disorders or effects. In my generation, it was rare to have siblings with FASE or FAS & with Nathan’s age group as well as his parents' age group, especially in the USA. This disorder was rampant. It still is. You see the USA started drinking alcohol & drug abuse a generation before their Canadian counterparts. 

I did let the production office of HBO know about Nathan’s behaviour. The movie already wrapped up. Promoting Nathan in that movie set him up for singing & more speaking parts. I felt obligated to voice my concern as I had promoted him & was so disappointed in him. HBO was promoting the Dakota, Lakota & Nakota language groups. Having sing sung in Sioyx was an extra. Sadly, this was after I set Nathan up with at least five ceremonies within my community. This is how quickly I knew I made a mistake about him. 

Nathan didn't hurt me, I am an elder then & now. It's was his predatorial behaviour in how he stalked his victims. He was swift & he was methodical. Before the movie was shown in a theatre in downtown Calgary he had SA so many girls. As stories come out about his sexual appetite for girls, it's also how his followers enable his cruel perverse behaviour. I believe it's this enabling why he was able to instruct his wives to kill police if he should ever be taken alive. It's why his follower are making death threats to anyone who reports Nathan’s crimes. 

I know, it's the longer an individual continues their crimes many will not believe his victims. It's why so many women were not believes for decades until PTSD was researcher. So, again as I've done within my blog I repeat. If you were a victim of Nathan’s & if you reported him to your police authority take it to your police cimmussiinwe’s office. I did when my case went no where. It's why I started this blog. Courage takes many forms & each step taken is a step forward in fighting & healing from white supremacy. As I said earlier, we were born into this racist society that tries & continues to try killing us indigenous peoples off this earth. Earth we see as a living being. 

Yes, people can hear it in my voice. It's called relief. I'm so grateful for all those young ladies who hear me & respect me. Respect I haven't felt in decades from some of my own family & for some of own community. I am not afraid to be an elder indigenous woman. I've walked this road knowing people are depending in me.

Wopida Mitakuye Oyasin