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Thursday, 2 July 2020

Really with pandemic...☺️

I’m taking a break from discussing my entire trauma rather I’d like to focus on the way healthy sexual men behave. NCH & his relationship with the men who follow him has nothing to do with being a true warrior. A warrior and s a man who can share everything about his fears he’s feeling. NCH’s relationship with men is totally opposite of how men, true forces of nature, related to their healthy sexual selves means they don’t shut down. They down share women nor do they expect women to share themselves with others. We have to believe that we bond with each other at an eternal level that has no bounds. It’s eternal with no time limits only timeless. Why? Cause when a man needs to live in their moment if the now they know that this could be their last awe ha Han moment. They form bonds of support with other warrior men & women.

Really! How many times must we come back to earth to understand these eternal laws. Well, it’s boys like Nathan who perpetuate these lies & feeds into the fears of women or girls. Well, especially girls, cause they bonding of experiencing their first sexual experience he thinks is making a man. When really how he is. Is a por boy looking for the man who sexually assaulted him. Why else would he never be able to form a healthy relationship with other men, especially warrior men. We have millions of warrior men in this entire world of 8 billion people. Warrior men who share their intimately feelings about all women. Imagine, a man who fears what he’s felt. Falling in love is a scary feeling for men & only warrior men can process these feelings with other men. 

Mostvwarrior men need this cause they’ve been traumatized by a war of some kind. They’ve learned to survive. Believe me as a healthy sexual indigenous woman who loved & still love such a warrior man. I’m dangerous to such indigenous boys who’ve been sexually abused by other men, wither there indigenous or not. This unhealthy bond cause such boys like NCH to exploit. I truly believe when he met me his thought he could manipulate me like so many women my age; however, it wasn’t until this pandemic that I realized that I had such a truth, such a love & such a soul to understand love of a healthy warrior. 

This man, for me, was a healthy sexual 26 year old blue eyed devil. He told me all his tricks and all his lies. He never promised me anything. He persuaded me & we had something more rare than simple exclusivities. What I felt was meta-human that’s in all our DNA. So, now. Know why this boy who calls himself NCH “Smiles A lot.” Shows all his truck & all his lies without ever having experiencing’cabin what it’s like to live in a daily basis with the fear of kissing him life. The man I bonded with had to have been enlisted in the draft at 18 i this meant I was 11 when he went into battle during the Vietnam War. It was 7 years later I’d meet him. Really we were just like children in our youth. This only difference is he was already a combat veteran & I was a refreshing oasis. A place to rest from surviving in the streets of Vancouver as a draft dodger going AWOL from the US marine Corps. 

I needed to reassure you, the reader that there are very few human beings who can voice the difference between why men are the why they are. Men are meant to bond with other men. In groups they share they’re inner most feelings. It’s why at why at weddings there is a best men. I was definitely guided Crwator to met such a devil with such blue eyes. When he walked into the room his bname airy took my breathe away. Our first glance at each other was one of astonishment. He came directly to me as if I was only person in the entire room. As I said he convinced me by the sparkle in his eyes & that come-hither smile. 

On a side note, the psychic powers of combat soldiers is heightened by their ability to survive active combat duty. It’s taken decades for me to realize I had repressed this devilish experience. (I use these words for the sake of Religious indigenousity) why? Cause shorty afterward I was brutally raped. For decades I repressed the true feelings I had with my warrior lover that blue eyed devil from California. 

I know that for some of readers this could be a trigger & I’d like to apologize. It’s this reality that as much as I can say being sexually healthy is truly a blessing it’s also an unobtainable reality. I’m grateful that I can leave my journey at any time with knowing that I was once lived & that did love this blue eyed devil back. In our naïveté we scared each other & im eternally grateful for his companionship with another Marine. As I’m eternally grateful for all those invisible helping hands who supported & guided me to this new reality of what it’s like to be awaken.

This was always my goal was to help other indigenous girls & indigenous women was to validate that we are not just “the other” “property” “ some other’s ownership” or “separate from mind & body” was western society. As Indigenous women we are matriarchs with stronger DNA than we’ll experience than any other lifetimes & it’s price is what we see today.

Thousands of murdered & missing indigenous girls & indigenous women at the hands of strangers or acquaintances for being awaken as any other feral me or male gender. 

My condolences to Nathan Chasing His Horse for not being awaken as a warrior. Ladies there are men out there who are worthy of your love, so please follow & trust your gut. Creator is the great Mystery & love is eternal. We are all connected with this common thread. 

For my followers, thank you for allowing me into your truths, your love & your souls. Wopida  Mitakuye Oyasin