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Friday, 29 September 2023

Truth and reconciliation, yes! truth and reconciliation day REPLACING FEAR WITH LOVE


But I do find myself coming back to this quote by George Bernard Shaw. Let me see if I can remember it, he says. This is the true joy in life of being used for a purpose. Considered by yourself as mighty, but being a force of nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances, complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy. I'm of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community, and while I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work, the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no brief candle to me. It's a sort of splendid torch that I've got hold up for the moment,  and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. (Screeen Script 9-26)

“I was taught that keeping quiet kept the peace, until I realized whose peace is it keeping.” (Melrobbins Quotes 9-26)”


I just wanted to jump on here quickly to remind folks as we approach the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day that if you are asking Indigenous peoples to come to your school or your organization or your business, compensate our peoples for their emotional labour while. These days are meant to acknowledge and celebrate ours survival and resilience. Been asked to speak about our history or our traumas or our teachings can be difficult and in some cases re traumatizing. I remember years ago I was at a meeting with a matriarch and elder where she told folks she appreciated the tobacco in the clock, that she was offered to share her teachings, but that she and I quote, couldn't pay the rent or buy food with cloth. Too often Indigenous peoples are asked to perform emotional labour for free. That's not actioning reconciliation, that's just asking Indigenous peoples to work harder for no money. So if you have Indigenous peoples coming to share themselves with you. Welcome to my Ted Talk. (Nahanni Fontaine 9-25) (I was told years ago that I have to charge a fee, as in the counsel I give will not be taken seriously unless I put a price on it. It’s society that has put a price on love’s words.)


All Nations rise up! As they say History is written by the victors. How can there be a victor when the war is not over? The battle has only just begun, and Creator is sending  his very best warriors. And this time, it is an Indians versus Cowboys. This time its all the beautify races of humanity, together on the same side, and we are fighting to our fear with love. we are beautiful. Together on the same side, and we are fighting to replace our fear with love. (@missinthe 6ix21) (This is what it means to fight and heal from white supremacy. As in the following is about how Columbus was the most significant thing to happen to humanity. Under the making contact with the indigenous peoples in the Americas was an event of joining two branches of the human species that separated, some say 40,000 to 10,000 years. We as human beings are now one common genetic group. A crossbreeding that continues to this day in every corner of this world mate.)

Most mind-blowing thing ever happened, when Columbus Coming to America was the most significant thing to ever have happened in our species. So during the Ice Age, the ocean levels dropped, exposing the Bering Strait land bridge between Asia and what is now Alaska. Basically North America. That our ancestors who come out of Africa go into Europe. Some stayed, others kept wandering, some stayed low above the Mediterranean, others went high. They populate. Asia, they keep walking because there's an land bridge there. They don't even know to print. It's just more land. So they walk and they enter North America from there. This kind only way you can go with South. At that point, the weather gets a little better, The Ice Age ends, the glaciers melt back into the oceans. The oceans level, ocean levels rise, closing the land. Stranding a  branch of the human species for 10,000 years, those humans who made it across that land bridge and spread out into North America, Central America, South America, have only a few families as their parent. Genetic genetic origins. OK only just like some research says, it's like 8 family lineages populated the entire North and South American continents and then the land bridge breaks. Now you have Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America and they know nothing of one another, two separate branches of the human species. Vikings notwithstanding, maybe they found came over. They did not. Even if they did their influence was near 0 relative to the Europeans. So we talk about influence here. This is a branch had discontinued this is how you speciate. This is why the species on Australia is we have mammals there, they have pouches alright? No other mammals do that. They split off and they evolved. 10,000 maybe 40,000 years is not enough to grow three heads or, you know, 12 fingers. But our species is separate. Now. Columbus crosses the Atlantic, makes contact with humans, to the first time that has happened in 10,000 to 40,000 years. We have rejoined 2 branches of the human species we are now, One common Genetic group, and that genetic crossbreeding continues to this day. We fly to any corner of the world and mate. (Digital_mindset 9-27)


This document was read, by OfficerAresenault, “But I'm also going to warn you that is quite disturbing and can also be triggering.

Sir, it is observed with alarm that the holding of dances by the Indians owner reserves is on the increase and that these practices tend to disorganize the efforts which department is putting forth to make themselves supporting. I have. Therefore, to direct you to use your utmost endeavors to dissuade the Indians from excessive indulgence in the practice of dancing.

You should suppress any dance which caused waste of time, interfere with the occupations of the Indians, unsettle them for serious work, age of their health, or encourage them, and sloth and idleness. (This type of marry within ones race existed here in Canada. It feels like the world here doesn’t see what the rest of the world sees. Slavery, white supremacy, and Indian residential was built on fear.)

You should also dissuade impossible prevent them from leaving the reserves for the purpose of attending fairs, exhibitions, etc, when their absence would result in their own farming and other interests being neglected. (Starvation was not enough. Controlling a species of humanity to serve another species, only because they believe they are the chosen species.)

 It is realized that reasonable amusements and recreation should be enjoyed by Indians, but they should not be allowed to dissipate their energies in the banning themselves to the moralizing amusement. (These ceremonies and rituals are proven to be the foundations of remapping a traumatized brain. As the indigenous people raised their children as holy beings. These energies were not for our amusement rather they were done for healing.)

By the use of Tac and fairness, you can obtain control and keep it, and this obstacle to continued progress will then disappear. The rooms, halls or other places in which Indians congregate should be under constant inspection. They should be scrubbed, fumigated, cleansed, or disaffected. To prevent the dissemination of disease. The Indians should be instructed in regard to the matter of proper ventilation and the avoidance of overcrowding, rooms were public assemblies are being held and proper arrangements should be made. For the shelter of their horses and ponies, the agent will avail himself of the services of the medical attendant of this agency. In this connection, and to finish it, except for further information is desired, there will be no necessity to acknowledge the receipt of the circular. (Understianding that the fear these directives spread and were taught to our indigenous children in these Indian residential schools, as our indigenous children were not seen as human beings rather as animals, like horses and dogs. The tactics of scrubbing, fumigrateing, cleaning and disinfecting our children once they entered these Indian residential schools. Our sweat lodges that kept us healthy and clean were not seen as healthy practice of disseminating diseases. It was the diseases like small pox that killed millions of indigenous peoples of the America)

This was signed by the Deputy Superintendent General. Of the Department of Indian Affairs, Government of Canada and it was signed on. December 15th, 1921. So, why am I reading this? This is the past, for we also know. First Nations, Metis, children, families are still living the consequences of these type of directives, and I hope that as we approach the September 30th which is National Day truth and reconciliation, that we as a country take some time to. Reflected in our own way. Thank you. (OfficerAreesenault (9-27) (We must reflect on how to understand what it means to speak our truths and how do reconcile our own fear of what it means to be a human being in a time when we are slowly forgetting what it means to be human. We must understand love.)

 Domination of world history was a 200 year. Aberration is coming to an end and as a result of it you got to learn to understand non Western perspectives in the world. And it's actually quite frightening. But in many ways I find American intellectuals behind intellectuals. Including in Serbia, where I just was all grease on Istanbul, 'cause they are much more aware what's happening in the world than most American intellectual cell. I don't know how to solve that problem.  (global impulse Kishore Mahbubani “The western domination oof history is coming to an end.”9-28) (Its important to understand that the world doesn’t revolve around North America rather its we who need to become more aware of what is happening in this world.)

Thursday, 28 September 2023

I started blogging earlier; however, these notes I still had, so this is to document that we, as women, were trying to expose him.


Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Hendrickson <>

Date: January 10, 2010 at 2:39:10 PM MST

To: Marina <>

Subject: Re: MySpace -


I'm suppose to be in Montana for a few days during the summer to visit my former professor. To breifly answer your question below...Like every person does, Nathan did have good points. But by far the negative outweighed the good. His good points were mostly superficial things that I enjoyed. He sang songs to me and was warm, comforting, and generous financially.  But no comparison to my sweetheart I have now.

--- On Wed, 1/6/10, Marina wrote:

From: Marina

Subject: MySpace -


Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2010, 4:33 PM

Hello Nicole,

Happy New Year! Just an fyi, he's not around here. I haven't' heard anything. He's still travelling with a seventeen year old from here. Or, she could be living with his parents. I don't know. I stopped talking to her mom. Her mom wanted her daughter to get into the movies. I've had over 250 views (to date 30,000 views ) from my blogs. I also see a new YouTube file about him. Pictures that were taken while he was here doing "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee." MySpace site is called "Bury My Heart." I used this prior to knowing things about Nathan. He seems to be in the eastern part of the USA: The girl he's travelling with lost her cousin this past month. I don't know if he brought her home for the funeral. I think he would avoid coming here. The tribal police would be looking for him. I am still curious. When my mother and me went to Poplar for the first year of Sundance there. He sent a follower of his to me with a gift. He would show up or say he would see me in what I was doing. My brother also mentioned Nathan presents at his home. I really wonder if you felt Nathan's esp present. I know he just doesn't like me contacting you. It helps me understand what happened tomy family by doing theses blogs. From what I get is that my mom was so emotionally damaged from her childhood in boarding school she never healed. She created a whole bunch of us with emotional problems. From the therapy and the education I got for myself I can see how my mother's behavior affected us. She needed to go into Nathan's Ceremonies. I know it's hypocritical for me to validate Nathan's work. I just wanted to let you know that the way my mom talks and behaves has a direct effect on me. She just turned 81 this past week. I know it took a more than what she understood from all the experiences she had in helping opportunities that she never took advantage to heal. She is doing what she can now. I am grateful that she can talk about love now. As much as I know Nathan travel in controversy I would like to know if there were good things in your relationship with him. I mean prior to you both having Noah.


Tweeter @groovemobile

This is a copy of my blog I posted today. Well, Happy New Year to you all! Yes, I know that you out there are reading my blogs because I can see the amount of views. I get it. You are curious like I was. Yes, its three years now. I may look resentful. I may even seem regretful too. I may appear to be many things. I realize that you are probably just curious. I was just like you. Well, maybe not just like you. I am not your age. I realize the majority of you who are searching the internet are young. Young like him. You feel like there is a possibility  that he is the one. This is why you are looking here. Do pay attention to your feelings because they are telling you something

about yourself. Some abused females are mostly affected. We want something. Some of us never get to the point of healing. It feels like we are being loved like no other love. It affects women who are now grannies. Abused women are too afraid to heal. This is all good because for some of us we would not even start healing if we didn't allow ourselves these feelings. Don't be ashamed of these feelings. They make you a woman. My concern with this Medicine Man is that he has ten children! In a YouTube He talks about protecting children. Yet, the law over a period of six years he's been hunted. Yes, for back child support. So, how honorable is he? Protecting his children supplying their moms with funds to purchase goods is not important to him. Why were there so many warrants for his arrest in South Dakota if he kept up protecting them by child support payments? Some people say "Oh, it's a shame!" other, want money for their kid or other women just doesn't want me to get involved. Then you may ask "why is she blogging about this man?" There are still something's that are being investigated. I have found out that once a child thinks any man loves them. They will continue. Yes, continue in the abuse with the man. The child believes. The man is like a drug. This is why it's so difficult to get the girls straight. In Indian country, our men are sick. Believe me, I am thankful. I didn't understand. I thought it was easy. Easy for the child to escape once they disclose the sexual encounter. It is also so easy for men to disbelieve the child. What is it inside our culture that we don't want to believe just how bad our men are? I know there are also evil women. Women need to heal. I don't blame you for loving this man or your feeling of infatuation towards him. I say be happy you can feel. Now, let him go. I said this to my nieces and he still is in contact with them. Yes, they dance at his Sundance too. I wish they would heal and stop being promiscuous: You have to ask yourself, Are they better off? One still does drugs. If he is more powerful than Sylvia Browne then why doesn't he do something? Clear his name with these girls here or maybe he's waiting for the girls to behave

badly. In a recent research I see that somebody is doing PR for him. Damage control or something to keep people from investigating him is important. Since Sylvia Browne makes $3,000.00 per phone call. Just be cautious girls and don't be too sure he's the real thing. His track record shows that there were nine women prior to you who thought he had nothing to hide. I really don't care about those of you who are just horny. I am concerned for those of you who need money from him to have you raise his child. It's interesting. Black athletes do it too. South African kings do it too. Sitting Bull did it too. Ask yourselves "what are these girls doing now?" In some cases the women kill themselves and in most cases the children want to meet their dad. I am really disgusted with myself for believing him. He told my brother everything. Is my brother a better man? Hell NO! My brother is a despicable human being. I was told my one of his followers that the people he befriends or the communities he befriends are better. Yes, my mom is better. I am better. And maybe, there is a small part of his visit here that will always remain. I just know that he thinks I am horrible for writing my opinions in this blog.

It like not of my business. This is a way of life? Aren't women and children supposed to be happy? How many of you women out there are truly happy? I was told by a very wise elder woman to never get married or never have children. She didn't know what freedom was until her husband passed. So, ladies, think  bout your happiness. Yes, have a healthy fantasy about him. But, remember, it's only a fantasy. He's not real! He comes with much baggage. Three years ago, he had nine ex-wives with ten children chasing his horses for money. Today, he's become very bold. He travels with many wives. I don't know if they all know about his other wives and other children. From my research, he's not honest. He's been asked. He says nothing until the baby is born. It's just difficult for me. I still want to believe our spiritual lives are beautiful. I leave this in your hands to think about. Remember, there is a reason why you are reading this blog. Take care and pray about these things. I did and look what happened. I believe that all things were possible when it came to ritual abuse. It's been around since the beginning of time and will continue well after I die.  Be opened minded and please if you have children do not trust anyone with them. I made a choice not to have children. As a woman, we have only two choices. We either have children or we don't.


Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Hendrickson <>

Date: December 11, 2010 at 2:58:05 PM MST

To: Marina <>

Subject: Re: Nathan

YEs, 16 year olds are hard to ration with. YOu would think the mom would know a little better.  Keep your head up Marina.

 --- On Fri, 12/10/10, Marina <> wrote:

From: Marina <>

Subject: Nathan

To: "" <>

Date: Friday, December 10, 2010, 3:54 PM

Hello Nichole

Just a short note because after four years my niece started yelling at me for talking to her daughter about Nathan. Her 16 year old daughter was defending his morals. I told her this man(Nathan) has a choice to work. She said he's poor. It escalated! Being 16 she was trying to justify Nathan's reasons for not being accountable for all his children. Then her mother jump in saying I was mean talking mean to her daughter later once her mother left we finished the conversation. I told her to get her education because nothing is certain in this life. Becoming a woman means for many raising children on their own with no support for the Dad. I told my niece when we argued that my brother paid $1000.00 a month for his two children because he needed to do it. I person can find work & make money to help support his children. I just can not believe how much they defend Nathan these four years. They don't visit my mom & say it's because I am mean, resent & bitter. They choose to isolate themselves from the rest of us & adopt all of Nathan's supporters as their family. I stood my ground in the midst of a crowd of twenty people watching her yell at me looking like she was defending her daughter when she was really defending Nathan. The Drama is still here. Take care!    Sent from Hapan

From: Nicole Hendrickson <>

Date: January 4, 2011 at 5:27:45 PM MST

To: Marina <>

Cc: Me Hendrickson <>

Subject: Re: Nathan

Thanks for the update.  Sounds unhealthy and weird to me.  Nathan hasnt paid anything in over 3 years.  Noah is turning 4 on Monday.  I feel like he is using Canada to escape obliations.  He is on borrowed time right now.  Any proof of wives, address, or any paid work please forward to me so I can build a case against him. Thanks for staying in touch. 


 --- On Tue, 1/4/11, Marina <> wrote:

From: Marina <>

Subject: Re: Nathan

To: "Nicole Hendrickson" <>

Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2011, 3:15 PM

Nicole, apparently Nathan was here before Christmas. I wasn't here in Tsuutina but my sister in law said people here tried to keep his visit a secret. Some of Kayla's friend (Kayla is the sixteen year old he took) she's18 now & apparently his given her a ring. She lives with five other young women in south Dakota. His Harlem is growing. Kayla told her friends she has no intention of coming home. Her friends came home telling others what they saw. People who support him can not see that this is a form of ritual abuse. I truly believe he's an addiction & has addictions. All I can do is pray for him. Some of our council support him whereas there are more who want nothing to do with him. The police want to talk to him too. Individuals here privately pay him.

I hope you and your family are doing fine. Thank you for your moral support I sometimes wondered about what people value and believe. People like Nathan were around since the beginning of time and will continue to do live on earth after I am 6 feet under ground. He's seems to becoming even stranger than before.

Thank you, Marina  Sent from by ............. ;-)

On 2010-12-11, at 2:58 PM, Nicole Hendrickson <> wrote:

YEs, 16 year olds are hard to ration with. YOu would think the mom would know a little better.  Keep your head up Marina.

Thu 28/09/2023 4:52 PM

sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Nicole Hendrickson <>

Date: June 29, 2012 at 11:11:57 PM MDT

To: Wanona <>

Subject: Re:

marina, you changed your email.  yes, you can forward Jody on my contact info, or she can find me on facebook.  I asked Nathan the names of his kids and the mothers of his kids. I do remember him mentioning a Jody. He told me in 2005, he had only 3 kids, of course that was a huge lie as I came to find out.

Thanks for forwarding me this, because I think this email will remind me to keep Nathan at a distance from Noah.  I feel sad for Jody little ones. When Nathan and I spoke a few weeks ago, he mentioned he wants to meet up with me and Noah in pipestone, mn  after bear butte. IF thats the case, he will be introduced to Noah as just a friend.

 that's ironic jody mentions how ' nathan broke those girls into what he wanted her to be like also.' He tried that on me too. I was 25, too old to teach new tricks. To answer your question, I'm not sure i'd email her, I do not know what to say. But she can email me anytime. Whats the address of your blog?? 

--- On Fri, 6/29/12, Wanona <> wrote:

From: Wanona <>

Subject: Fwd: Nathan Chasing Horse

To: "Nicole Hendrickson" <>

Date: Friday, June 29, 2012, 4:10 PM

Hello Nicole 

I Am sending you an email from Jody Potts. The email talks about what I believe to be the only woman who had two children from Nathan. I believe this is the woman whose children he was showing photos of back then in 2006. (I was wrong! There was another woman who travelled off and on with Nathan and their two children. Yet, there are quite a few of his children who were in foster care back then. 2023, Nathan may have more children. Throughout these years, his children’s names were never posted. The victims of his assaults also were never posted. The amount of families and children he damaged is too many. I’ve only documented those who were brave enough to reach out to me. I am grateful for their courage and the love they expressed for the privacy of their children.)

I wanted to know if you would be interested in emailing her? I'll ask her. I believe your combined efforts to get child support could only help both of you. I can ask her. Please let me know if I could do this & if not let me know as well. 

My blogs over these few month are getting a lot of attention. Most people were like me wanting to know the truth. There is power in truth! 

Until next time, happy July 4th!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:


From: jo potts <>

Date: June 28, 2012 5:36:32 PM MDT

To: <>

Subject: Nathan Chasing Horse



I just found your blog about Nathan. 

I have two children with Nathan.  At the time we were together, I didn't know he had other children.  I believed everything he told me because I was young and thought all people were as honest as I was raised to be. 

Nathan doesn't take care of these children of his.  I haven't been able to get him tracked down for child support.  My daughter is 10 and thinks her dad is the greatest thing on earth but cries for him often.  My son is 11 and is becoming angry now because Nathan never calls or sends anything, so he thinks Nathan is nothing.  Its been hard watching my children suffer. 

I am from Alaska and met Nathan at a youth conference. 

A few years ago, we met up with Nathan, his wives and entourage in South Dakota.  He had 3 wives then and I saw that he had broken them into what he wanted me to be like. 

When Nathan does occasionally call, for instance when its out kid's birthday and I tezt him to ask him to call them... he makes the kids all these empty promises that he will see them real soon, fly them down to see him but it NEVER happens.  But since reading your blog, I see that he has gone so far into his sexual fantasy/disfunction that I feel like my children wouldn't be safe with their own father. 

I would like to talk more to you about him and getting Nathan's abuse made public. 


Jody Potts

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

From: Hapan Kinyewakan <>

Date: January 6, 2015 at 1:18:23 AM MST

To: Jody Potts <>

Subject: Nathan Chasing Horse

 We've emailed before & it's good to hear from you. Within these few weeks much has happened as legal matters are taking place, I can only say that those who once protected him are no longer within his cult. 

Within my community women are supporting a young woman who left him. She's talking & it appears she's not alone. 

It's one thing Nathan lying about me & as to why I write my blog; however, I was never in his inner circle like these women. 

I did feel like I was used to lure people to him; however, not like his wives are trained to lure young women. I hoped he was someone who wouldn't put Himself or another human being above Creator. The people who came to his ceremonies because of my efforts are slowly leaving his cult. Yes, there is or was quite many people from my community supporting him. I helped get money for him for about five ceremonies. Once he was introduced by me other community members started fund raising using our band funds. 

Because of the large amount of money from our band funds used many know about him & are supporting any of our women who stop following him. 

When women from across the country contact me, they don't realize the impact he's had within my community. We belong to each other here as very few leave our community. 

It surprised me just how much energy was put into discrediting me. I don't know these women, nor do I wish to know them. Apparently, they had to ask me if what he said was true or that they had an obligation to apologize for also discrediting me because they believed his lies.  As for me, I didn't think he was focusing on mine blog when his primary focus should be on all the police reports given by so many girls from both countries. 

It's a proven fact that it does take years for these cases to court. I believe these women are leaving now as they don't want to be associated with him. They could be called in as witnesses or even be charged for aiding or abetting his criminal activity. 

Within this past two weeks you're the fourth person to contact me about him. All female, during the years only one man emailed me; however, it's the Lakota men on other sites that very angry. 

I have Nicole on my Facebook. She's helped me. As I've said he's hurt my family & it's been a healing journey. I'm grateful for her just being there. It took courage for her to post legal documents. 

I've tried not to mention names or use real names in my blog. The events that did happen happened; however, names were changed  

Thank you for writing


On Monday, January 5, 2015, Jody Potts <> wrote:

Interesting blog, all of which doesn't surprise me one bit.  Please keep my name private.  Nathan fooled me in my early twenties with his wise words, charm and charisma.  I had two children for him.  We live in Alaska now, where I am from.  I know how Nathan is.  He is a very sick man.  His children are very hurt by their father not having anything to do with them.  Its a very long story.  I have a lot of insight into who Nathan is.  My kids have met some of their siblings and there are maybe at least 12 kids out there, including my own.  Nathan should be brought out into the mainstream media.  Feel free to write me back.  Please don't post anything on this blog about me or my children yet.  I think we need to all work together to get this sick story out there.

