Blog Archive

Saturday 5 October 2024

Canada’s Truth & Reconciliation that USA doesn't see


Sometimes I wonder about my purpose. This lady advocates for me & so many indigenous knowledge keepers. I'm so deeply blessed to have a group of young women to acknowledge me. 
Today I had lunch with another young woman. She's going to help me figure how to run a zoom meeting. The editing part is sort of not a reality of things I'd like ovoid. 
I think the more & more I open up other women the more & more I realize just how much it is difficult to trust any man. 
Of course, we are all different but mormore so with how I & other women interact with men. On the side de of being more compassionak it is speaking our truth. As we don't need men to protect us (women) we need them to not be the ones we need protection from. 
Most of my life I've shared or gossiped about any man I am friends with thinking they are friends & not a potential mate; however, I had it all wrong. 
We as humans beings tend to think of healing as a ‘noun’ rather than a ‘verb.’  I believe we do this to ourselves to justify how shirt our lives are on this planet. Having lived decades beyond my understanding of myself I knew certain concepts around healing but not listening. Decades goes by, change happens slowly or we anticipate something Spontaneous whn really its like being in another deminsion called TIME. 
We all don't know how mutime we have; however, sometimes when I see the hooribke things people to to each other I want to hid or jump off or talk until it passes. All these strategies do not work cause its biggee than all of us cause its guided by oir Creator’s Will. 
A few weeks ago i needed guidance from an indivisual whom has had so much experuence with the media. This person’s made me think about my mission. I tgink lije a mission statemebt, bit it ma think even deeper.yoi see normallt i would share my interaction with others but its what was said. I kept this email personal. Its just doing this that I realized that some people (notice not just women) can not hold SPACE.
Its this space we keep sacred. Its a place where we meet our Creatir when we leave his form of existence. 
I'm truly grateful I've lost ves long enough to see myself in this space. Today, I told my young female friend that time is another dimension & that until we've walkescin that space we are still childlike. 
Many people remain chikdlije throughout their lives. I know its an abtrast concept but it is acknowledged by many. As a person there are somethings that is mine alone be it animal, vegetable or material. I just want to thank you for reading my ‘soap opera stories’ I understand.

In closing, much of the work many Indigenous women are doing is educating our own people in how we did or do things to help each other. 

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