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Friday, 4 August 2023

They know not what they do! Stop dehumazing us; we bleed, we cry, we live & we love like you.

 As I hold space for myself, I realize how much our indigenous youth need our help. We are all related & we feel the sorrow felt by many. 

Within my own network my sibling’s two in-laws died from drug overdose in the month of July. My firend’s two in-laws also siblings died from drug  overdose in July. In one community three young women did from drug overdose on the same day. Every community is burying 2-3 young people a weeks. Some communities are running out of funds to bury their young people. Is it any wonder why we as indigenous seek help for our youth. As decades ago many found balance & purpose by the going to sweats, attending Sundance & ceremonies. When Nathan Chasing Horse cane into my community all people who were in recovery attended. It was the younger people he targetted & vulnerable people.

Tonight I was accosted by a very drunk woman. I stopped her from hugging me & her partner told me I had no right to push her away. Both were intoxicated & those who witnessed this sided with the two drunk people. When I tell people white city people are different than white country people. Throughout my life scenarios of people siding with the white person I am confronting happens. I've learned to stand my ground. This is an example of fighting & healing from white supremacy. It's also an example of necro politics when society determines who lives & who dues. For me, practicing spiritual activism is standing my ground. 

Intergenerational trauma is killing us. We get triggered from being isolated, from constant grieving & experiencing chronic stress. We've become so emeshed in this co-dependent environment that we crave it to the point of recreating it. There's nothing abnormal in recreating it as long as it's done in a safe & supportive environment. 

My parents, my aunts & uncles & grandparents used humour. It helps us disrupt this chao. 

The young indigenous man who helped me walk out to my vehicle. He talked about the epidemic of drug overdosed deaths. He said it's mostly young people. I told him about the incident I has with this drunk couple & how an audience of wfitecwimen sided with the drunk woman. They were not concern for my safety. I was having a difficult time breathing & didn't want her cigarette smoke in my face. I told this young man this group decides who live and who dues & cause all they saw was my indigebousness. He said they don't tolerate this behavior & it wasn't addressed by his security partner. 

I said to him city white people are different than country white people. I said growing up around city white people made me resilient to their prejudices. He commented that this group probably didn't expect me to stand my ground with them. I said yes as they are city & think I am complacent to which I am not. Growing up around white children, children like myself, I physically fought them when they swear at me & taunt me for being indigenous.

As we talked walking to my vehicle I told him Europeans do not comprehend colonialism as they think the best thing they’ve done as a society is stop slavery. He agreed. I said as they ended slavery they started breeding farms. All historical records of amount of Black people killed was earned in time. I told him that we today can see the result of these breeding farms in the black American make today. These beeeding farms created more slaves. When a black American male passes on his Y-chromosome to his make offspring 35%~45% isn't African anymore rather it's European. Only 1% is indigenous to the Aneeucas. I told him this was a result of breeding slave on these plantation fatms. The horrors of what white supremacy did to their slaves is revealed in their DNA. 

Even the lack of socialized health care in the USA was created so black American would die like what European colinualized did to the indigenous peoples of the Aneeucas. In Canada the French we're the only conquoring race that converted to an indigenous way of life by oartnering up with indigenous people for survival. Indigenous oeoole’s concept if money was kinship. A person was considered wealthy by the connection they made with other indigenous people from other territories. This practiced could be seen in western Canada as the province of Alberta settled in the north. Metis people, or can I say indigenous people today, as result of sharing or gaining kinship as a sign of wealth. Eastern indigenous people are oriented towards money as a sign of wealth. Understanding the genocide of losing family to diseases as well as being hunted or starved to death was my ancestors reality. Remember that saying “know those who came before you.” Once you understand then define the word ‘civilized.’ 

I don't know if you've read other parts of my blog where I've states his the Romans colonialized England & from there those early British people who believed  & constructed Stonehenge became colonizers themselves. I've said this is what's happening to me it is as indigenous person. It's why I believe Nathan Chasing Horse practiced colonization on our youth & why he got away with his twisted spiritual practices he claimed was indigenous. In fact all people need to practice spiritual activism. Doing this we protect ourselves from plastic people. A saying that started in the 70s during the hippie revolution in givingvieace a chance. 

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