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Monday, 10 July 2023

Limerence and Obsessive thoughts are learned self-defeating behavioral patterns; however, I believe. before colonialization, any propensity or desire towards deviant sexual responses were healed in our indigenous ways of knowing.


 The Cree people called the Nakota, Dakota, Lakota & Assiniboine are branches of the “The Great Sioux Nation.” “Pwatosimow or Pwat for short” translates into the word “Dream Dancer.” The Sioux were dancing pow wow for much longer than the Cree. The Sioux introduced the cultural pow wow to the Cree. As far north as Hudson’s Bay another branch of the Cree called the Sioux “The People of the Pipe.” The word “Pwatosimow” (Dream Dancer) is a combination of two words; “Pawata” (to dream of something or to have a dream) and “Simow” (to dance really hard), Simow is and ending action word for active dances and not a word by its own. “Nimehitta” (is to dance as in more of a casual dance), “Pwatosimow” (Kakwaya ge simuto eeg) means “When someone dances really hard” dancing so hard and the word dreamers came to be of an understanding of those who danced this hard were dancing that they could actually manifest dreams. “Historically dancing was associated with healing and the manifestation of dreams of feeling good.” The beauty of indigenous languages like the Cree is the culture. The people of the “Great Sioux Nation” “Pwatisimow” (Bowat simu) DREAM DANCER, (@devembers_wolf) It's my belief these tonal sounds within the sounds around the drums as well as the sounds around the singing around the drums. These tonal sounds reshape the traumatic brain; whereas non-indigenous people (Psychotherapist, psychologists, social works, police, anyone in a position of power) thought PTSD could not be healed. Pretendants are not just people claiming indigenous identities they are also those who in position of power, white privileged who are culturally appropriating healing practices of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.(@hapankinyewakan)

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