I thought lateral violence was at bay for me until this past month. The exposure of sexual abuse, ritual abuse & human trafficking is real & dangerous. These predators don’t like being exposed. From Nathan to the lowest followers of any predator who uses smudge ceremonies, sweats & Sundance to his tgeir deviant behavior. These predators have followers who are capable of slander, manipulation & hiding.
The fact that NCHH is so public doesn’t make him safe. Recently I disclosed & warned a organization about an elder who had a history of incest. I disclosed under the impression everything was being held in confidence. Instead the woman who invited me & others opened it up for discussion.
I’m mentioning this cause any women. I mean women & girls who actually were raped by NCHH continue to be experiencing lateral violence from his followers. It’s a point in fact that any victim of violence will have any predators’s followers, be there family members or close friends. This enabling behavior shows a lack of individuals an inability to firm healthy boundaries. The sexual abuse lingers like a bad story. It lingers for years with the predator still finding his or her victims.
Believe me when when I say male or female. If you ever wonder why women kill their own babies or train their children to be prostitutes. It’s a need to survive. The cruelty they commit in order to please men who have money & power. Non-indigenous women experience this all the time too.
I’m just trying to get my point across that even your own sisters or nieces of aunties or mothers can enable & support a rapist.
I’m old enough to know that everyday people suspect or know someone is being sexually abused. I’ve talked about it enough times to the point where people tell him to get over it. The truth & reconciliation of being victims of inter-generational trauma means many dint want to talk about it.
Fortunately, I’m connected to people who want to help empower young indigenous girls & young indigenous women. Fortunately NCHH’s police record is public access. When I first started blogging this wasn’t public knowledge. Fortunately too, there are indigenous men who want NCHH to stand in court room room for all the crimes he’s done against girls & women.
We’ve seen how the rich & powerful support each other. Is it any wonder the money & support NCHH gets from his billionaire friends buys & promotes his practice?
He’s no different than a glorified pimp selling to the highest bidder. You see, we in Canada know the difference between rape culture & prison culture cause we’ve seen what money can do with our treaties. We have legislation in place through non-insured health benefits that identifies sexual predators within our First Nations. It’s our old politicians who know the secrets within our communities. They’ve tried to help solve this problem.
I’m just putting it all out there for NCHH’s followers to go get an education & to therapy. You do not have interpersonal skills in finding intimacy with any man or men. It’s not just you it’s the entire prices of being welll &!firtger being able to establish healthy boundaries.
We all have a third eye a part of ourselves that we don’t see. Only the other can see us. So be mindful of what your thought tell you cause they also reveal more able your hidden self or your third eye.
In closing, watch the Netflix ‘Messiah’ I believe Creatir also has healthy boundaries. I believe there’s more to everyone of us even NCHH. He was once an innocent child born into poverty like so many of us. I’ve studied him long enough to know that he must rule believe he doesn’t lie. I believe his way of life in his delusional reality is his truth. However, I believe by the time I first met him he was already running, surviving on his fear of being caught. Since then his life his one of being a paranoid delusional man.
If you don’t believe me ask any crown prosecutor how their clients behaves when standing before any judge. They are afraid of witnesses & are prepared to sacrifice anyone near them. Their own being is self preservation.
Look up history on how women killed children in WWII or look up Indian brothels in India were women sacrifice up their own children for prostitution. Each looking out for their own self Preservation. Look up how indigenous people the same thing to feed their children. We are capable of dining such horrific things for self preservation. Some call this dark magic.
Remember or look it up, for five thousand years the Egyptians practice magic. There’s a historical site where people made their pilgrimage during these 5 thousand years. Here one sees the ceramic pieces left all over the ground where they left their offering in these small pots. All that remains is the shards of colored ceramic pieces for miles. Today we are NOT advanced enough to even built a pyramid.
I just wanted to mention this so that you are aware that we are not far removed from our ancestors. We enable people to practice dark magic. In psychology it a realm of behavior patterns.
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