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Sunday 23 September 2018

FEAR   “Will anyone care?”

‪Never really understood until now about the fear of telling someone & they not believing. ‬

Decades after being raped I’d told my story it seemed hundreds of times with nobody believing me or it seemed they didn’t know how to help. Until, one day a new friend asked me "does your rapist know he or they hurt you?" 

All those years I thought in some naïve way that I thought I had by talking to acquaintances; however, in reality they didn’t believe me. 

In reality, I needed to face my fear. I needed to let the surviving rapist know they had hurt me. Nobody knows the agony of the seven year investigation until the court date. People thought I did it out of revenge. Despite my efforts when I’d tell people I was doing it for my own healing they didn’t understand. I hope today there are more people who start to understand this fear. A fear of people not believing your truth. 🙏🏽😪🙏🏽

In some ways writing this blog is a form of writing openly. As I keep myself Anonymous so people so people don’t judge me if they knew me. I’ve written my truth in this blog; however, there’s been a need from within myself to overcome this fear. I believe we all have this to some degree. I just didn’t understand where it from until I listened to this man’s story. 

Ron Gosbee isn't Indigenous, but as a child, he was one of a small number of white children who attended a residential school. @JorgeBarrera

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