From all reports of people siting this medicine man with his entourage, they claim he has complete control over his wives as well as his followers. Any attempts to talk to one of the girls is met with fear from the poor girl as she holds onto another of his wife's arm. They are unwilling to talk even when prompted. Bullying is bullying and for centuries in a aboriginal communities it's been our way of life.
Hello Wolf...(edited)
Thank you for your response, I hope my response to your letter helps you
further in healing. I am not uneducated nor am I unaware of how to 'live off the
reservation' as they say in Hollywood. You are just one of many in recent
years who are posting or using the internet to voice their concerns. I've had time to
think about how to answer you. I also wanted my response to come from a real
place. I talked with my brother almost every day while he's in prison. I
talked with my step-niece. Things haven't changed she is still trying to manipulate
something out of me and my family. She is a danger to herself and to others. This
is the damage that these two men did to her. I cannot do anything but blog.
I wash my hands of her. She is much need of treatment from sexual abuse. Not only is she in denial of what my brother did to her but also what this medicine man did. She defends them both and both are good men.
Claiming that both has sex with her when she was fifteen.
Healing from family violence may take a whole life time. Anyone who claims
that it takes less is fooling themselves. We Sioux are taught to
be pitiful in a way to help each other rise up from that state of pity. This is why
when NCH came and met me and my mom at work we felt like family because he played his pitiful self for us and eventually against us. It is a way of life that is taught from birth. It is a feeling of wakan. It is a brief feeling felt in ceremony. Yet, when we bury our dead or help
the living it's done in this spirit. NCH uses it against those who don't
know this feeling because it's a Sioux way of life. I know because I've met
Sioux who were raise with this wakan. Adopted Sioux children are always
amazed. I hope you realize that this way of life is still practiced in a
good way amongst many aboriginal peoples here and in the States.
And, people don't have to be Sioux or Aboriginal to practice being apart of the human family.
This was a response to a reader of my blog....
Thank you to all who read this blog and don't subscribe because it's okay to remain private. I appreciate all the people who are wondering what to do or think. I felt like I needed to find someone who could confirm what I was feeling too. I found her in the form of one of his ex-wives before he openly practiced polygamy.
As much as it would be so simple to believe my niece who claims I am in love with this Medicine Man, it's harder to undertand why she would continue to be jealous or why she would continue protecting a person as manipulating as him. Just as she continues to protect my brother who is in prison even after she put him there. As a child, I wondered why my mother would continue to stay with my dad year after year of being beaten. I believe a victim is a victim until they have the courage to leave and change their behavior. Maybe if I had married she wouldn't think so less of me.
When people think less of others they are bullying them. I didn't recognize then but I do now.
This was my experience in confronting Nathan Chasing Horse in 2007. He had no compassion for his victims. His propensity for girls started being more openly displayed by the summer of 2007. Documentaries, Articles, Indigenous Podcasts, My Podcast is under construction. Archival documenting yearly posts posted with transcripts will be published here. I’ll also link my YouTube videos associated with each podcast published. I also created a link to my GOFUNDME account. I may link my TikTok account
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Thursday, 8 December 2011
Whatever happened to fairy tales and make-believe?
Posted then my reply..... I agree with you all NCH is No Wicasa Itancan. I agree he is a womanizer he seriously Takes the cake wearing tha...
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Through these ten years I’ve sang this song. Despite the words being pronounced with a male tone. I’ve researched with Dakota speakers and ...
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