Blog Archive

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Bury my heart..myspace to here 06/04/2011

As the years went by I realized meeting this medicine allowed me to realize we are all connected! Yes, I would look at other women and think their life doesn't affect me, and now I realize it does. This is why I write about this medicine man. There are fake out there mostly plastic whit medicine people who can not reference what I am saying or it's meaning. I believe it's the grandfathers will guide medicine people and not plastic...if they knew would they be so detached. Life for me trying understand what goes on in others doesn't mean I will not help.

I write my blogs with concern for what it is that is actually happening within my family and my community. I've come to the conclusion is how we treat others reflects on us maybe not immediately but in time. As much as there are plastic medicine people out there they too are apart of everything and without their lack of understanding I believe true medicine can not thrive.

For as much as people want to be seen as special there are serious problems faced by real medicine people. This why I wonder why would plastic medicine people want these gifts? I don't use my real name nor do intend to expose real people. I give names but not real names. There is real medicine people here.

I hope to transfer my previous blog into this site for those whoever are interested and were interested in my posts..thank you,

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