Blog Archive

Monday 24 October 2011

Ask yourself: "Why isn't he living on his traditional home land?" He claims he's a traditional man!

!search for more clues into this man’s lifestyle. I’ve found the increasing awareness of people becoming awake to who this man truly is and what he’s doing to our own people.

It’s taken going on six years now since he broke the law. He knew my brother was sexually abusing my step-niece. Rather than reporting my brother to the police he waited a year grooming my niece to believe he loved only her. I asked him whether what she claimed was true. He denied it. He denied the other three girls. One went away with him having a baby boy from him a year later and the other follows him probably thinking someday she’ll be with him. The other ran away from home but not after disclosing to the police.

My brother is serving another two years in jail. Dancing Sperm, a name I now call this medicine man. I think he doesn’t ‘smile a-lot’ lately either. Dancing Sperm talked with my brother and it seems they were trying to figure out how to get my brother from having sex with his step-daughter. My brother was so enthralled with Dancing Sperm he couldn’t believe he was also having sex with the same child too. My step-niece was heartbroken when she realized what a fraud Dancing Sperm was. He broke all his promises to her and the thousands of dollars’ worth of gifts he gave her didn’t mean anything.

My brother thought he was innocent because Dancing Sperm’s support over the year convinced him he was a good man. When the police arrested my brother, my brother confessed. My step-niece protecting Dancing Sperm lied about his sexual activity with her. Dancing Sperm convinced everyone that he was innocent and didn’t know anything about what my brother was doing to his step-daughter. Some women defend him saying if he knew who would believe him. My brother confessed. I know my brother did an evil deed but so did Dancing Sperm. It took my niece years again to talk to me. When she did she said that nobody here wants her around them.

I told her twice she protected Dancing Sperm. She thought he was going to take her away as his wife. It is after this that it appears that Dancing Sperm started being more open about his addiction to fifteen year olds. My brother said he saw him with these girls throughout the year he was following him. I figured my brother like Dancing Sperm thought it was normal. My niece is getting professional help after all these years. I think once people realize that much of Dancing Sperms victims come from families where there is very little chance these girls will ever get professional help because they are so poor. Sometimes in their poverty they become so depressed they just want to forget what he’s done to them by drinking or taking drugs. I truly believe from experience this is why most people refuse to believe this man is so negative.

Here is a video of him and please read the comments. There are some people who do know who he is. I hope you will be opened minded. Logically, if white society can have their sociopaths doesn’t it follow that we too as Native American or Aboriginal; whatever you deem correct, have these type of predators within our midst.

Friday 21 October 2011

What's it like?

The following is my opinion of Shamanic Medicine as seen through my eyes as opposed to other European viewpoints. I agree that we are learning from and teaching each other constantly. When I think about OWN Oraph’s life classes saying ‘of being all that you can be,’ I wonder why most Canadians and Americans from European background practice Canadian Frist nations Medicine or Native American Spirituality.
I believe, yes, there is the oneness in the world that we as human beings are trying desperately to achieve. As a result, many including myself are trying to become all that we can be or are meant to be.
An elder in the community once said that “one who walks between worlds” is not afraid to die and until this week I thought it was an opinion of just one medicine man. Yet, many Sioux Medicine Men have and do continue to say this. As I’ve talked with another elder, I’ve think in my western ideology, and I do use this loosely because I was influenced by western culture too. I think and believe that such people walk the world as a monk does. This means they are spiritual leaders and healers. The twist is that there are many Sioux Medicine Men of do not live a monk’s life rather they practice polygamy or some bastardization of cultism. Much of the romance I believe comes from the disconnections we in our own ignorance fail to not realize that these people did not disappear as history says. Ritual abuse is alive and well in all societies both third world and the first.
As everyone is connected then it stands to reason that everyone continues trying to connect, as each new life begins and each one ends. So, logically as each of us human beings become aware of our oneness. Many believe that children are holy because they come with this awareness already empowered in them at their birth. This is where there’s competition between healers.  There is a force that is also trying to compete. I believe it’s this competition that takes away from our true meaning or our finding our purpose in life.
Most of the time, we try to communicate. This enigmatic, as an essence within ourselves as way of life, or a way to communicate with each other or other than through words or sounds. The question asked then is what is reality and how do we know that we are living in reality rather than in fantasy. Are we a reflection of information long ago forgotten? Are we truly living in the NOW and are we OWNing our true self’s? As our world becomes smaller and smaller due to technology, a technology that helps us uses our energy to engage our consciousness of oneness. The reality of it is that it is too overwhelming to comprehend and this is where the confusion comes in for those who are seeking their true self’s. Most healers will say that it’s like walking bumping into each other without knowing it or like finding your Wheat shaft being casted out by the wind when thrown up in the air. It is not magical nor is it supernatural. Many studying psychology to give it a name, giving it a tool to communicate its presence when it lives in all things, my ancestors called it Wanka or ‘Great Mystery.’
An Elder woman’s opinion about Sioux Medicine Men, the Sioux communities are so fragmented and divided. In my opinion, this concept of the ‘Great Mystery’ attracts many followers who do not know what’s it’s like to live on a Reservation or Reserve. They look at the resiliency of the Native American or First Nations peoples and want to be like them. Those who crave this spirituality are the fragmented amongst modern society. They fall victim to these plastic medicine men that display psychic gifts and perform miracles. There is a test to see if you are a victim. Live a few years on a Reservation or Reserve among the people who lived there their entire lives. We are not the only people who are in denial.
Every society has its fragmentations. Some call it trauma while others call them holes where our life’s energy escapes and still others try justifying this as spirituality. I believe it’s very simple. Religion and spirituality balance each other.  In art or in the practice of creating a piece of art, it’s explained that it’s a process. Much the same as looking at a piece of art work that looks like it was created by a Native American or Aboriginal person, yet it was created by a European. The question is much the same as the discussion then whether a piece of art is done by a true Native American or Aboriginal person. The thought is that it doesn’t matter because it an Art form. I believe this is the same argument that Europeans use when it comes to practicing Sioux spirituality. Rationalizing that their spirituality is like a band-aide that covers this trauma. It’s a gap they say or like a sore that forms a scab that covers the infected area.
Everyone whose ever been traumatized can relate; however, there is so much pride attached to denial that those who follow a cult truly believe they are healing. I think because they feel like they are reclaiming a deep love or relationship with themselves. For me, it’s a vulnerable part that surfaces. When it does I know where it was created so I know to acknowledge it and move forward. I do understand why many are so involved with following that Red Road or Native American Spirituality. They rationalize and justify they are not bastardizing this way of life because they are following a Real Medicine Man or Holy Man. It’s these people that I blog for because the competition for followers like you is great because you have money. You have compassionate and empathy for an infected area, the reservation or reserve.  
You have a need to feel like you are a medicine man or women in your own rights. You’ve studied, you’ve healed, you’ve spent the money and for some of you, you have believed you’ve lived it. Years ago I met a Native American Scholar who said he didn’t know what it was like to live on a Reservation or Reserve. He admitted he didn’t know this way of life. A way of life where Medicine Men and Medicine Women abuse their own people rationalizing that it’s a way of life. Taking advantage of the weak, sick and dysfunction of our communities are these sociopaths. We live in these communities so we know who comes and who goes. Our communities are small and with technology being what it is, our communities have become one. If there was a rescuer, savior or a latter day saint in our community anywhere in North American, we would know.
There is a Great Mystery out there. Just as you have your own predators within your own societies or own cultures, we too have them. The sad reality is that the competition is so great for healers that the true healers are hidden or manipulators hide them. The irony is that I believe and think that the Great Mystery does bring those who need healing to them via the back door. I don’t believe even corrupt Holy Men or Medicine Men or Medicine Women have the power to deny our creator  these blessings.